A Beautiful Pink Bouquet with Matthiola, Rosa and Pineappeles

Valentines Day is coming round fast. It is one of the most difficult days for a florist to plan for. Bouquets are generally ordered last minute so you can't plan ahead for the quantities you buy or what to buy. 

Most ladies that you speak to would much prefer a beautiful bouquet of seasonal flowers, however many men worry that the only option is a dozen red roses. 

So we say offer something different, incorporate some red roses but maybe just 3 or 5 depending on the budget. Include some pinks and purples, lovely greenery and it is much better to buy for all involved.

Choose something totally different to add something special to your bouquet - How about Pineapples?

Remember the best thing you can do is sell out so don't buy too much!


February 08, 2018 — Sarah Wright

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