Your Questions
Finding the right course for you
Do I need any experience?
No, just a love of flowers and a passion to learn. We
deliver professional courses and workshops for complete beginners. If you
are unsure then please do contact us.
I don't know which course I need to do!
Easy, just give us a call and we can talk you through your
Other Questions
If the answer you are looking for is not here, please call us on 01223 655661 or email
What is included, do I need to bring anything?
Absolutely everything you need to complete the course or workshop,
including the tools, flowers and materials. On full day courses you will
need to bring a packed lunch.
Where can I stay as I need accommodation?
We have a list of recommended accommodation that we can send to you.
Where is the nearest train station?
Whittlesford Parkway on the London Liverpool - Cambridge line is
our nearest station. You will need to arrange a taxi to bring you to the
school (we can book you a taxi if needed).
Is there parking?
We have plenty of free parking right outside the building (which
means you can easily take your designs home with you).
Are children allowed?
On workshops only of half day or evening duration only, children 12 - 16 are permitted to attend if a place is booked for them and accompanied by an adult
(booked on the same workshop).
Do I need to bring lunch?
On full day courses you will need to bring a packed lunch. We have a fridge and a microwave. Beverages throughout the day are provided.
Payments & Terms and Conditions
Can I pay a deposit for my course?
On all our 2 day or more courses there is an option to pay a deposit. The balance must be paid one month prior to the start of the course. On shorter workshops the full fee must be paid to reserve your place at the time of booking.
Is there an instalment plan available?
For the Floristry Career Course you can pay for the course in 3 separate instalments. All instalments must have been paid in full at least one month prior to the course. Please contact us at to discuss a payment plan.
Where can I view the Terms and Conditions?
You can view our Terms and Conditions by clicking here.