With Valentines on the horizon - now is the time to order your flowers for that special person in your life - but this year try something different!

Remember that the florist orders flowers in fresh for all their orders - if you don't pre-order you might only be left with a pot plant...

Your local florist (look up florist near me on Google), will not only be offering red roses, but if you look beyond the expected there are so many choices available this time of year.

Simply steer clear of lots of red and you will be able to buy a bigger bouquet!

Spring flowers - why not order a bouquet full of spring flowers; tulips, ranunculus and narcissi are a refreshing change (and everyone loves it when the flowers start to pop through in the garden)

Mixed bouquet including roses (just one red rose will do).  Leave it up to the florist to choose the best in season - after all they are the professionals.

Tropical bouquet - our personal favourite!  Add some protea, leucospernum or anthurium for a truly passionate bouquet.  The lovely thing about tropical flowers is that they love heat (so perfect for our centrally heated homes).

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