Real or not real?
Have you seen some of the silk flowers that are now available in stores just around the corner? They are amazing! No longer made from poor quality materials and in...
Funny the things you do as a florist!
I have over the years been asked to create some rather strange designs - from an edible wedding bouquet (yes, the bride wanted to eat her bouquet at the wedding...
Trends for Christmas 2019
Long gone are the days when you simply pulled out the same tired Christmas decorations and hung them year after year it seems. To join the hip and trendy these...
Peony - more than just a gorgeous flower!
As it is the height of Peony season, make sure you fill your vase with these beauties whilst you still have the chance! Blooming during early summer, they are one of...
Table Decorations
Have been asked to help with the table arrangements for a friend's wedding or have a party to plan for? Perhaps you would simply love to learn about designing flowers...
Flowers and the water bubble!
When you receive a fabulous handtied bouquet delivered with a water bubble (aqua pack), do you remove it? Yes you should! The water bubble is simply there to ensure that...
Lent and the Florist
Most of us are aware of Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day), but few realise the significance of eating pancakes! Immediately following Shrove Tuesday is Ash Wednesday the first day of Lent...
Welsh National Treasure
The first sign of spring for many is when the Daffodils start to bloom. A sure sign that winter is on it's way out! But the simple Daffodil (Narcissus...
The eco-flower warrior...
It is quickly becoming apparent that as our customers become more aware of the impact they have on their environment, that florists need to be looking at both eco-friendly and...
Ready for Ranunculus?
These beautiful spring flowers take their name from the Latin word for frog! The wild variety grow in swampy areas and originate from central Asia. Soft stemmed they need gentle...
Traditional Christmas Kissing Balls
An invitation to be kissed! The Kissing ball comes from the Middle Ages when people would wind evergreens together in a ball shape. In the centre they would place a...
Willowdene Flowers, Crafts and Gifts
It is wonderful to see students go on to open their own floristry businesses and one in particular is Willowdene Flowers run by Diana Jones in Lincolnshire. Diana is an...